Our Church Service times are: Sundays @ 10am
We gather on Sundays to worship God together, to hear the preaching of the Word of God, to fellowship together and to encourage each other in our faith journey.
We welcome you as you join with us as a regular attendee or as a visitor.
We also have an outreach opportunity as we meet each Sunday in our community at the Olive Tree Hotel, cnr. of Gap Road and Evans Street, Sunbury. All welcome.
Prayer Ministry is a vital part of our Church life. On Sunday we meet for prayer in the Prayer Room from 9am. If you would like someone to pray with you about a need, there will be opportunity following the service.
Contact: pcraig@sunburybaptist.com
Prayer Chain: If you would like to share a need for prayer or a praise point, please contact the Church office. Your request will be emailed out and listed in “Get Connected”.
Contact: admin@sunburybaptist.com
Missions: The Sunbury Baptist Church has a long history of mission involvement. We have a number of cross-cultural workers who are supported by the Church. Our Global Outreach (GO) Ministry Team is committed to raising the level of awareness and support for those who are serving in other places around the globe. The team is also keen to encourage people to become actively involved in mission if they are feeling the call of God on their life. This may take the form of a mission trip, a short-term mission commitment or a longer-term commitment to mission service.
Contact: Jill Monnik 9740 7683 or via admin@sunburybaptist.com
Who we are
The Sunbury Baptist Church was constituted as a Church in 1972, and has always desired to be the local and visible expression of the Body of Christ. We are ordinary people – adults, young people and children who together make up our Church family.
How we got here
After a period of sacrificial giving by the members of the Church we were able to move into our current building in July, 1994. We believe that our buildings are only a means to achieving the purposes of God for Sunbury.
As members of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, we choose to meet regularly to share in times of corporate praise and worship, including hearing the preaching of God’s Word, faithfully expounded and practically applied to the real stuff of life.
Our Vision
A community of 1000 Christ-centred loving people who are individually healthy, growing, have strong relationships and are trustworthy.
This community will be a safe haven for the broken, helping change the way people make everyday choices. In our mission to people, we endeavour to reach out to our community, with the love of Christ.
If we can minister to you in any way, it would be our privilege to serve you, and the Lord, in that way.
Paul Craig Director of Ministries (Senior Pastor)